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    Product Price Quantity Total
× Little mirror in rosewood Little mirror in mahogany and gilt bronze, Empire period 1100,00 1 1100,00
× Painted Canvas. Rhinoceros. Contemporary Work. - face Painted Canvas. Rhinoceros. Contemporary Work. 3400,00 1 3400,00
× Applique en laiton doré et opaline Wall lamp, or suspension, with six sconces, contemporary work 4800,00 1 4800,00
× pharmacy jars polychrome earthenware Pair of pharmacy jars in polychrome earthenware, 19th century 680,00 1 680,00
× Henri Fernandez pour Maison Honoré Henri Fernandez for Maison Honoré, Floor Lamp, 1970s 3250,00 1 3250,00

Cart totals

Subtotal 13230,00
Total 13230,00


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